torsdag den 12. april 2012

3 days of Peace & Music

I'm so facinated of the festival.
It was all about love, music, peace and freedoom!
Here is some picturs from the festival.
I just love their clothing, and how the people are so chill.
I would love to experience it, but I can only enjoy the picturs.

WE <3 IT

Hey people! check out my profil on we <3 it =

WE <3 IT is a webside were you can " heart" all the picturs you like :-)
here is some of my picturs.

onsdag den 11. april 2012


When "getting high" meant on a swing

When "Protection" meant wearing a helmet

When the worst thing you could get from BOYS were lice

the worst thing you could get from Girls was a cold

When Mum was your only hero

And your Dad was your Boyfriend

Your Worst Enemies were your siblings

When The only "Drug" you knew was cough medicine

Wearing a skirt didn't mean you were a slut

The only thing that would "Hurt you" were skinned knees

The only thing that could be "Broken" were your toys

When "Goodbyes" only meant until tomorrow...

And we couldn't wait to "Grow Up"

søndag den 1. april 2012